Could your school/team/youth organization use a few new fun, simple fundraisers? We’ve devised 3 fundraisers that are perfect for any and every organization.
1) Refer a friend fundraiser - super simple. Just have anyone new to Personal Gourmet associated with your program order food, and mention your hs/youth organization. Once your target number of clients has been hit, your league will receive a donation/sponsorship from Personal Gourmet Foods. Please contact us for details and to make a custom plan for your organization.
2) Meat Raffle - Taking the traditional “raffle” to a whole new level. Rather than winning a couple of dollars, or something you have no use for, our wildly popular meat raffles send the winner(s) home with upscale, gourmet, restaurant quality foods they will appreciate and certainly have a practical use for. Very easy to design and promote many times thru the year for your group. These generate hundreds of dollars each time for your cause and they are fun! Look at these examples below:
Example 1) HS football program has 100 kids. They mandate each player sell 2 $10 raffle tickets. The $10 raffle enters you into a chance to win $500 worth of steaks, chicken, burgers, ribs and shrimp.
The program collects $2000. 100 kids x 2 raffles @ $10 each. Each kid collects $20.
Program nets $1500 (after paying for $500 worth of food) and winning raffle recipients get a 4-6 weeks worth of amazing restaurant quality food (nice variety of our mid priced items)
Example 2) Youth football program has 200 kids. They mandate each player sell 2 $15 raffle tickets. The $15 raffle enters you into a chance to win $800 worth of ribeye steaks, lobster tails, shrimp, halibut, and ribs.
The program collects $6000. 200 kids x 2 raffles @ $15 each. Each kid collects $30.
Program nets $5200 (after paying for $800 worth of food) and winning raffle recipients get a 6-8 weeks worth of amazing restaurant quality food (all high end items)
Numbers can be adjusted for each participating fundraising organization. Customizable programs available based on organizations size, raffle ticket target price, fundraising goal and type of food they want to provide to raffle winners.
3) Station a Personal Gourmet Foods truck fundraiser - have our truck come to your field(s) every week at a predetermined time. No charge to have us show up, and better yet, a portion of all proceeds will be donated back to the league.